Comment history with -DressYourEyelids-
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 comments
you know the word 'plethora'. that's impressive.
listen up shrek it's not even that. it's that i have to go day to day knowing that hideous people exist, knowing that some people give them the time of day. i seriously don't understand why someone would talk to an ugly over a non ugly, unless they're ugly themselves. i'd much rather associate myself with beautiful people instead of people that have fucked up lips or have a plethora of ogre-like features. you should be burnt at the steak. get it? i said steak because you're fat and probably hungry for steak.
i hope someone takes an iron to your face to help smooth out the rough edges from your hideous lips. also i hope you get foot reduction surgery because honestly who the fuck wants to be with a girl with size 13 feet. maybe you should just get a sex change, that way you could be socially accepted as hideous.